!! Important deadlines !!
Eligibility forms are due for the Spring season on March 21st, 2025!
T&F Nationals registration closes on 3/27, and NIRCA Half Marathon registration closes on 3/29.
T&F Nationals Proofs of Performance are due by 3/27.

Harvard Indoor Track Meet
Harvard Indoor Track Meet
Gordon Indoor Track
February 26, 2023

Final Results

Place Score Club Last Name First Name Class Bib# Result
University of Connecticut Bogatz Andrew ALUMN replace
Princeton University Bolaji Abiola JR replace
Princeton University Bossong Catalina ALUMN replace
University of Connecticut Kaszas Jackson ALUMN replace
University of Connecticut Shiffrin Jacob GRAD replace
University of Connecticut Faulkner Elliot ALUMN replace
University of Connecticut Tiongko Matthew SR replace
University of Connecticut Slavin Colin JR replace
University of Connecticut Rublewski Gavin ALUMN replace
University of Connecticut Muzzy Austin GRAD replace
University of Connecticut Garskof Jeremy ALUMN replace
University of Connecticut White Andrew SR replace
Princeton University Smith Charles ALUMN replace
University of Connecticut Hollworth Samuel GRAD replace
University of Connecticut Corbett Owen GRAD replace
University of Connecticut Girgasky Garrett JR replace
University of Connecticut Stone Cody JR replace
University of Connecticut Wollenberg Owen SO replace
University of Connecticut Fiore Owen JR replace
University of Connecticut Ottowitz Daniel GRAD replace
University of Connecticut Pappas Nicholas GRAD replace
University of Connecticut Bacon Augustine ALUMN replace
University of Connecticut Boulter Jackson SO replace
University of Connecticut Turecek Jack JR replace
Dartmouth College Kilbourn Aidan GRAD replace
University of Vermont Boyle Adam JR replace
University of Vermont Brown Harley SR replace
University of Vermont Carnesale Ethan GRAD replace
University of Vermont Girzadas Will JR replace
University of Vermont Gutterman Michael ALUMN replace
University of Vermont Hanniger Jesse JR replace
University of Vermont Prince Andrzej SR replace
University of Vermont Huynh Jason JR replace
Princeton University Sixkiller Kalen GRAD replace
University of Vermont Armstrong Ryan SR replace
University of Vermont Gaglione Ryan JR replace
University of Vermont Mierzejewski Nathaniel SR replace
Dartmouth College Chen Stanley JR replace
Dartmouth College Redding Grady JR replace
Dartmouth College Letzelter Fintan JR replace
Quinnipiac University Gupta Kinshu JR replace
Quinnipiac University Hine Tim SO replace
Quinnipiac University Hom Matthew SO replace
Quinnipiac University Yohe Michael SR replace
Quinnipiac University Regan Lance SO replace
Princeton University Kerrigan Sean JR replace
Princeton University Kohler Wiley SR replace
Princeton University Makinen William ALUMN replace

Place Score Club Last Name First Name Class Bib# Result
University of Connecticut Duarte Gabriela SO replace
Quinnipiac University Mele Jessica SR replace
Princeton University Burt Hayden ALUMN replace
Princeton University Rodriguez Nicole JR replace
Princeton University Cunningham Rebecca JR replace
Smith college Johnson Astrid JR replace
University of Connecticut O'Shaughnessy Maura SO replace
University of Connecticut Bigelow Loretta JR replace
University of Connecticut Garay Ariana SR replace
University of Connecticut Monroe Alexa ALUMN replace
Quinnipiac University Costello Madelyn SR replace
University of Connecticut Hryn Veranika JR replace
University of Connecticut Walters Audrey JR replace
University of Connecticut Slavin Emma GRAD replace
University of Connecticut Beloin Becky ALUMN replace
University of Connecticut Porter Hailey JR replace
University of Connecticut Peterson Maggie SR replace
University of Connecticut Jakimczyk Isabel SR replace
University of Connecticut Sutton Carolyn SR replace
University of Connecticut Glowacki Jessica SR replace
Smith college Gomez Ines GRAD replace
University of Vermont Lamprey Mara GRAD replace
University of Vermont YE LIZ SR replace
University of Vermont White Norah JR replace
University of Vermont McSweeney Ellie JR replace
University of Vermont King Laurel GRAD replace
University of Vermont Decker Zoe GRAD replace
Dartmouth College Smith Shania ALUMN replace
University of Vermont Angiolini Giovanna GRAD replace
University of Vermont Tschaikowsky Emma GRAD replace
University of Vermont Batinsey Emily SR replace
Smith college Altland Madeline JR replace
Smith college Burkman Sylvia JR replace
Smith college Kraft Olivia SR replace
Dartmouth College Ornelas Eliana ALUMN replace
Smith college Bryk Rhiannon SR replace
Smith college Talayee Nadira JR replace
Quinnipiac University Pazzanese Corinna SR replace
Quinnipiac University Berthiamune Gabrielle GRAD replace