Contact - NIRCA

Keep in touch.

Need to get a hold of someone?

Area Specifics NIRCA Staff Responsible Email
Membership new clubs, starting a club, club membership queries, logging in to Membership Team Email Membership Director
Eligibility season eligibility, championships eligibility Matt Kutz Email Matt Kutz
Race Management race registration, regionals and nationals Stephanie Bartley Email Steph
  race hosting, club rosters, waivers, other race queries Race Management Team Email Race Management
Finance club dues, race invoicing, other invoicing Finance Team Email Finance Director Support dead links, bugs, things not working as they should (doesn't include new user requests or race registration) Support Team Email Web Support
Design and Technology club news, website design, branding or design, club website offers Ben Thomas Email NIRCA Support
Sponsorship and Promotions become a NIRCA sponsor or partner Greg Haapala Email Sponsorship & Promotions
Everything Else what you're needing not listed here? Julia Stulock Email Julia